Lavender and Lilacs Florist Vancouver

Vancouver Florist - Bridal Bouquet

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When we have decided on a theme and flowers, now we need to solve perhaps one of the major questions — a bridal bouquet. The main thing for us is your wish. The bridal bouquet has to correspond to the general theme, style, and color of a wedding dress, and most importantly, it has to be pleasant to you. We are always ready to give you a hand with that. We also suggest making an additional bouquet, which you will be able to throw to bridesmaids, and keeping the wedding bouquet for yourself to remember that magical day.

A wedding symbolizes the eternal love between two people after a mutual decision to share a lifetime together and celebrate that milestone amongst family members. Of course, you’ll want your wedding guests to be wowed by your choice of color, theme, and wedding decorations. Our purpose, priority, and dedication are to make your wedding decorations, exactly what you want and better than you imagined them to be! We will work hard to transform your venue into a paradise that honors your style, imagination, and budget. We provide free consultations.


Wedding Inquiry Form L&L

We also invite you to read and fill out our special Wedding Checklist for both your and our convenience. Stick to a theme or mix and match – the choice is yours and pretty much anything goes!

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